Reviews Matter

I know, it’s scary. When you ask people to tell talk about their experience with your company, who knows what they might say.  So, instead, you decided to not get involved in reviews.  You don’t talk about them and you don’t ask for them.  Just let sleeping dogs lie.

The truth is, your customers are talking about you, online, whether you engage or not and the facts clearly support the importance.  In fact, a recent survey found that 88% of consumers have read reviews to determine the quality of a business.  A report by Forrester says that 30% of online shoppers research Amazon before making a purchase, most likely due to their reviews.

So, if your customers are talking about you (they are) it will always benefit you to become pro-active in the dialogue.  Take control and encourage your customers (all your customers) to leave comments about their experience.  Even in the most complex business, there will be more customers that have a positive experience than customers that don’t.  Nobody really expects a company, product, or service will have a 100% 5-Star rating.

We worked with a client that decided to get involved in their online ratings and is now seeing great improvement in their positive-to-negative review ratio.