Last-Minute Black Friday Tips For Your Marketing Plan

Well, by now, you’ve probably got your turkey purchased with all the fixings ready to go. Thanksgiving is known for family gatherings and a feast that will leave all plenty full. So of course, you probably did some last minute shopping in order to prepare for the big feast.

But for many, Thanksgiving isn’t only about a 20-lb. cooked turkey. For many, it’s the start of the biggest shopping season of the year, including the biggest single shopping day: Black Friday.

So if you are a business that is prepared for this year’s Black Friday, you’re going to want to put together a last-minute push with your digital marketing plan, just as you would do some last-minute shopping to prepare for your Thanksgiving dinner. Let’s take a look at some last-minute digital marketing strategies that could pay off.

Email Them!!!

By now, it might be a little late to use some of your typical tools as Black Friday is only 3 days away. Email is not one of those. Email is perfect for last-second deals because of its quick delivery to customers. Soon as you send it, people will instantly be alerted of your email, which should include last-minute deals, reminders. etc. Maybe a new coupon to entice more people to stop into your place of business on that hectic shopping day. And make sure you are hitting them hard with emails. Perhaps one email today, another the day before and finally, a final reminder the day of Black Friday. And remember, shoppers inboxes are going to be loaded, so think a little out of the box with your subject in order to get your deals noticed.

Social Media

Just like email, social media is another great last-minute strategy that can get your Black Friday deals noticed. Again, as soon as you post it, it’s visible to your audience. So again, if you’ve got some last-minute deals or promotions that you have yet to announce, be sure to post it on social. And even if you don’t have new deals, you can remind people of the deals you already mentioned. There’s always going to be shoppers who don’t notice your initial Black Friday specials, so hit up social media heavy now thru Friday!

Gather the Troops

This week should be one the most craziest, hectic weeks with your business. The traffic to your site should see a major spike, of course, if you’ve created a successful Black Friday digital marketing plan. So be prepared. This means you’ve got plenty of employees on hand to respond to phone calls, emails, social media questions, etc. Shoppers are going to expect quick replies this week. With only 3 days remaining until the big day, there’s a small window of opportunity for shoppers to find the best deals on the market. So if you’ve got shoppers emailing, calling or hitting you up on social media, you best respond quickly. This means a response within a few hours is vital. If someone emails today and you make them wait until tomorrow, that shopper most likely has already moved on. So be prepared, gather the troops and let’s make this year a great Black Friday!